Doom II mod |
A gameplay mod for GZDoom which replaces the classic Doom weapons
and enemies into their Doom 3 counterparts, with adjustments made and additional
extras included. This mod contains new graphics made by various community members
and sound effects from Doom 3. The weapons and enemies can be run together or
separately, but are recommend to be run together for the best intended experience.
Requires GZDoom ver.4.7.0 or up and a valid doom wad.
This mod aims to mix the gameplay of classic Doom with the semi-real themes
from Doom 3. Weapons are based off the Doom 3 arsenal. Some features are:
-All guns have clips that must be reloaded, powered by RRWM reloading system [1.3.0a].
-Weapons eject casings and smoke.
-Hitscans have tracers and sounds for hitting either flesh or walls and fly-by.
-Most of the weapons will deal more damage than their classic versions.
-Menu selections for features, such as switching between classic ammo or doom 3 ammo types.
-Shotguns are stronger but have a wider spread.
-The chaingun is faster and more powerful but must wind-up to fire.
-Plasma rifle projectiles are a bit faster and stronger.
-The BFG charges up for stronger blasts, be careful you don't overload it!
-Grenades that behave similar to Doom 3, don't overcook them!
-The Soul Cube or Artifact can replace the Soul Sphere or Mega Sphere.
-For more QOL some weapons can be zoomed or have different fire modes
and you can perform a quick-kick attack (user 1) at any time if you like.
-Doom 3 style hud by Blux001, with edits to include weapon icons and flashlight.
-Friendly sentry bots can replace blurspheres, press 'use' to activate them.
Nearly every Doom 3 enemy makes an appearance (over 35 enemies). Sprites were chosen to be in a
classic Doom style. Special thanks to the work of many members of the
Doom community! (see credits) Some features are:
-Blood now splats on the floor and fades away.
-Zombiemen are slower but have increased health.
-ZSec zombies are mixed in, with increased tactics but more manageable hit points.
-Imps now perform leaping attacks or heavier fireballs when in medium range.
-Pinky demons can be randomly replaced with other melee demons/zombies, since
there's a fair amount more melee demons in Doom 3, and the pinkies themselves
were less common in Doom 3 than they were in the classic games.
-Revenant's seeking missiles are now fired in pairs, but they now slowly fall
to the ground and can be destroyed by shooting at them.
-Hellhunters have a chance to replace barons.
-The Vagary replaces the Arachnotron.
-The Lost Mission's Guardian of Hell and Sabaoth can replace the classic boss monsters.
-The Maledict replaces the Icon of Sin battle.
-Options and patches available to customize the mod to your liking
Also included is a 'world' patch that turns maps into a Doom 3 style,
includes DarkDoomZ and D3RetroTex, along with liquid effects and Doom 3 sounds.
The world patch also unlocks the flashlight, which can work like classic doom 3, or the xbox re-release.
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Xim's GZDoom3 for Classic Doom (v2.4)
Full Version 5 comments
A gameplay mod for GZDoom which replaces the classic Doom weapons and enemies into their Doom 3 counterparts, with adjustments made and additional extras...
Xim's GZDoom3 for Classic Doom (v2.2)
Full Version 7 comments
A gameplay mod for GZDoom which replaces the classic Doom weapons and enemies into their Doom 3 counterparts, with adjustments made and additional extras...
Xim's GZDoom3 for Classic Doom (v1.5)
Full Version
A gameplay mod for GZDoom which replaces the classic Doom weapons and enemies into their Doom 3 counterparts, with adjustments made and additional extras...
Xim's GZDoom3 for Classic Doom (v1.3)
Full Version 3 comments
This is a gameplay mod for GZDoom which replaces the classic Doom weapons and enemies into their Doom 3 counterparts, with adjustments made and additional...
Xim's GZDoom3 for Classic Doom (v1.2)
Full Version
A gameplay mod for GZDoom which replaces the classic Doom weapons and enemies into their Doom 3 counterparts, with adjustments made and additional extras...
Xim's GZDoom3 for Classic Doom
Full Version 2 comments
A gameplay mod for GZDoom which replaces the classic Doom weapons and enemies into their Doom 3 counterparts, with adjustments made and additional extras...
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Armage - Dec 23 2023 - 41 comments
Hi, how are you? First of all, congratulations for your amazing mod. Is very nice play Doom in Doom 3 style. I see you made great updates in the time i stop to play Doom. My last update was v1.3 and your mod works nice in LZDoom. But now, unfortunately i can't play the most updated version :/ . You can release an patch for LZDoom to play this last version, please? Thanks for your attention and waiting for your response.
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Ximmerman - Dec 26 2023 - 163 comments
Hey there. Thank you for the comment! Unfortunately I haven't used LZDoom in a long time but I'll check it out and see what I can do to get it working again.
Reply Good karma+1 vote
Armage - Jan 8 2024 - 41 comments
Hi. You are welcome :) . Really thanks for you check if have an solution, because i really want play your new updated mod, but my machine can't handle GZDoom, and will be nice play in LZDoom like version v1.3. Thanks for your attention.
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JediMasterChief - Dec 9 2023 - 192 comments
Been playing the monster, texture and enviroment packs with Halo Doom Evolved, as a continuation of sorts of the Doom 2553 mod for Doom 3, story wise (both before and after Resurrection of Evil, once 2553 expands into it). Have yet to play the complete package, but given how good your Star Wars mod is (glad the mod that originally inspired it is finally available publically again), I imagine it'll be just as enjoyable. Thank you!
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Ximmerman - Oct 27 2023 - 163 comments
Update to the main mod.
-New machinegun sprite by Sonik.O.Fan
-New props addon
-Made riot shield zombies appear less often
-New item sprites by SuperCupcakeTactics
-New PDA key mode, where key cards look like color coded PDAs, includes changes to the hud
-New alt-death and xdeath for pinky demon
-Update to Doom 3 textures by Craneo
-Added BONSAIRC info for better GunBonsai compatibility
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not.your.Mom.and.Dad - Aug 22 2023 - 122 comments
The 3d model need some reload animation for the weapon, also Zombie dead need 2 animation.
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Ximmerman - Aug 18 2023 - 163 comments
Still working on the next update, but I've released a little spin-off I put together that I got distracted making. Hope you enjoy!
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Ximmerman - Mar 31 2023 - 163 comments
New update has been released.
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Unregret - Apr 2 2023 - 68 comments
Keep up good work, Sir. May I ask which wads/maps you know that can be played with this mod and texture pack. Or some maps that already has Doom 3 atmosphere?
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Ximmerman - Apr 2 2023 - 163 comments
Doom Darkstar has a Doom 3 atmosphere. Other maps that are recommend are: h_phobia, relive, deathless, dmonfear. Look them up on doomworld. Pretty much any "vanilla" maps are good to play with any of my mods, so look for maps that contain little to no new material, don't worry about WolfSS replacements since you can set new ones in the menu.
If you want more, look up the Obsidian map generator.
Have fun and thank you for playing my mod!
Reply Good karma+1 vote
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