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I’m pregnant with my third and I’m the past have only used pads postpartum. I keep seeing people talk about disposable underwear’ (mostly Always Discreet) coming in clutch for PP care. So, I’m looking for opinions!
Which did you prefer? Is changing a pad easier than the adult diapers when you have other children running around as well? Or vice versa? Enlighten me!
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Pregnant with my second, I used mostly pads the first time around bc I had so much given to me by the hospital and I also got gifted a Frida mom kit with the pads and disposable underwear & towards the end I started using the adult diapers and actually liked those better, it just felt more comfortable with clothes and gave me a little hug around the tummy witch was nice.
I'll be doing the same this time around, using all the free stuff first & then the diapers nice to have both as an option
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I heard about the always discreet during my first pregnancy. I bought a pack to try them out. It’s a personal preference, but I LOVED them. So much so that I used them at night time when I started getting my period again. I’ll definitely be using them again this time around!!
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yes, they are great for nights when your period returns!
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Diapers all the way!! Comfortable and less leakage. Then switch to pads when the bleeding lightens
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I couldn't handle the extra of having to change my own diaper which meant taking my pants off while trying to manage a newborn. so I just ditched diapers and went straight for pads. I plan to only use pads again this time.
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I’ll be honest, I don’t do a ton of pants when freshly PP and tend to stick to nightgowns and cardigans haha HOWEVER - I feel as though I’d just feel gross in the diapers…so many people love them though that it had me curious
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i don't have a lot of night gowns so pants it was for me lol 😂 but I don't think I remember feeling gross just too much for me to handle at that season. pads just felt like a normal to me.
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I used diapers with my first and vowed never again. Its convenient but I felt even more like crap wearing them, when I already felt less like self already after birth. Used lacy period panties and pads after my second and plan on doing it again.
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I’m kind of thinking I’d feel the same way. All my friends swore how much they love the hospital mesh underwear, for example, and the giant pads but I hated them and was so uncomfortable. I worse them immediately after birth and then switched to my own underwear.
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I got some cute post partum undies that are nude and black that I used last time and are high waisted to keep everything tucked in. I used some big pads with those! I used diapers for the first couple of days in the hospital just since my stitches were so fresh, but switched to the pads when I got home.
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Diapers for the win! I would put a pad inside the diaper, then remove it about halfway through the day, then just bleed into the diaper for the rest of the day.
They are also handy when you're trying to breastfeed while peeing on the toilet, so you don't have to worry about wiping 😅
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