Meteor shower calendar 2024: When to see a shooting star (2024)

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a casual observer, a good meteor shower is always a treat to watch. They occur at the same time every year, and you don't need any expensive equipment to get the most from it. In fact, you're better off without a telescope; by using just your eyes you can take in a wider field of vision and see more meteors.

Why do meteor showers always happen on fixed dates? Year-on-year, as Earth orbits the Sun, we pass through the same stream of debris left behind by comets and occasionally, asteroids. For periodic comets, like the large Comet 109P/Swift Tuttle which is the parent body of the summer Perseids, that stream is replenished with every passage.

In this article, we’ve collated every meteor shower in 2024, when the peaks are, and how many meteors you can expect to see.

While you’re waiting for those all-important peak nights, why not brush up on your constellations with our handy astronomers for beginners guide? Having a broad understanding of the constellations will help you identify the radiant of each meteor shower, and get the most from your viewing experience.

If the Moon is more your thing, take a look at our full Moon calendar – we’ve got all the dates, names and times rounded up in one comprehensive list – as well as a few bits of Moon trivia thrown in for good measure.

What is a meteor shower?

A meteor shower is when a cascade of meteors, aka shooting stars, streak across the sky, emitting flashes of light and often leaving luminous trails in their wake. They occur on specific dates each year, and if conditions are good, can be a spectacular sight to see.

Meteor showers can vary in intensity, ranging from subtle displays with a few meteors to impressive, multicoloured celestial spectacles with bright shooting stars and even fireballs.

They occur when Earth passes through the debris left behind by a comet or asteroid as it orbits the Sun. Particles from the parent body burn up upon entering the Earth's atmosphere, resulting in streaks of light in the sky. Most meteors are caused by fragments smaller than a grain of sand, but larger fragments result in a brilliant, fiery display known as ‘fireballs’.

These meteors appear to originate from one point in the sky, called the ‘radiant’. The shower is typically named after the constellation (or region) from which it seems to originate. For example, the Perseids appear to radiate from Perseus, the Orionids from Orion, the Leonids from Leo, and the Geminids from Gemini.

When is the next meteor shower?

After the Quadrantids in January, the next major meteor shower for the UK will be the Lyrids, followed swiftly by the Eta Aquariids in April. Mark your calendars, because these showers are expected to peak on 22-23 April and 6 May respectively.

Here are all the dates for all the meteor showers in 2024, including when they peak and how many meteors we can expect to see per hour.


Active: 28 December 2023 – 12 January 2024

Peak: 3–4 January 2024

Rate/hour: 110

Radiant: Boötes

Parent body: Likely to be 2003 EH1, but not yet definitive

Moon illumination at peak: 59-49 per cent

Alpha Centaurids

Active: 31 January 2024 – 20 February 2024

Peak: 8 February 2024

Rate/hour: 6

Radiant: Centaurus

Parent body: Unknown

Moon illumination at peak: 3.5 per cent (day before new Moon)

Note: Best seen from the southern hemisphere

Gamma Normids (γ-Normid)

Active: 25 February – 28 March 2024

Peak: 14–15 March

Rate/hour: 6

Radiant: Norma

Parent body: Unknown

Moon illumination at peak: 20-30 per cent (as seen from Sydney, Australia)

Note: Only visible from the southern hemisphere


Active: 14–30 April

Peak: 22-23 April

Rate/hour: 18

Radiant: Near Lyra

Parent body: C/1861 G1 (Thatcher)

Moon illumination at peak: 98-99 per cent

Pi Puppids (π Puppids)

Active: 15-28 April

Peak: 23-24 April

Rate/hour: Variable

Radiant: Puppis

Parent body: Comet 26P/Grigg-Skjellerup

Moon illumination at peak: 99-100 per cent (full Moon on 24 April)

Note: Only visible in the southern hemisphere

Eta Aquariids

Active: 19 April – 28 May

Peak: 6 May

Rate/hour: 50

Radiant: Aquarius

Parent body: Halley’s Comet

Moon illumination at peak: 4 per cent (two days before new Moon)

Alpha Capricornids

Active: 3 July – 15 August

Peak: 30 July

Rate/hour: 5

Radiant: Capricornus

Parent body: Comet 169P/NEAT

Moon illumination at peak: 27 per cent

Southern Delta Aquariids

Active: 12 July – 23 August

Peak: 30 July

Rate/hour: 25

Radiant: Aquarius

Parent body: Likely to be Comet 96P Machholz, but not yet definitive

Moon illumination at peak: 31 per cent (as seen from Sydney, Australia)

Note: Best seen from the southern hemisphere and southern latitudes of the northern hemisphere

Pisces Austrinids

Active: 15 July – 10 August

Peak: 28 July

Rate/hour: 10

Radiant: Piscis Austrinus

Parent body: Unknown (some speculate it may have disintegrated)

Moon illumination at peak: 54 per cent (as seen from Sydney, Australia)

Note: Mostly visible from the southern hemisphere


Active: 17 July – 24 August

Peak: 12–13 August

Rate/hour: 100

Radiant: Perseus

Parent body: Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle

Moon illumination at peak: 51 to 61 per cent

Alpha Aurigids

Active: 28 August – 5 September

Peak: 1 September

Rate/hour: 6

Radiant: Auriga

Parent body: Comet Kiess (C/1911 N1)

Moon illumination at peak: 3 per cent (two days before full Moon)

Southern Taurids

Active: 10 September – 20 November

Peak: 10-11 October

Rate/hour: 5

Radiant: Taurus

Parent body: Encke's Comet

Moon illumination at peak: 50-61 per cent


Active: 2 October – 7 November

Peak: 21-22 October

Rate/hour: 25

Radiant: Orion

Parent body: Halley’s comet

Moon illumination at peak: 82-72 per cent


Active: 6-10 October

Peak: 8-9 October

Rate/hour: 10

Radiant: Draco

Parent body: 21P/Giacobini-Zinner

Moon illumination at peak: 29-39 per cent

Northern Taurids

Active: 20 October – 10 December

Peak: 12-13 November

Rate/hour: 5

Radiant: Taurus

Parent body: 2P/Encke

Moon illumination at peak: 72-82 per cent


Active: 6-30 November

Peak: 17-18 November

Rate/hour: 10

Radiant: Leo

Parent body: Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle

Moon illumination at peak: 100-99 per cent (full Moon on 17 November)


Active: 28 November – 9 December

Peak: 2 December

Rate/hour: Variable

Radiant: Phoenix

Parent body: 289P/Blanpain(D/1819 W1), currently disintegrating

Moon illumination at peak: 72 per cent (as seen from Sydney, Australia)

Note: Best seen from the southern hemisphere

Puppid Velids

Active: 1-15 December

Peak: 7 December

Rate/hour: 10

Radiant: Puppis

Parent body: Unknown

Moon illumination at peak: 35 per cent (as seen from Sydney, Australia)

Note: Best seen from the southern hemisphere. In the northern hemisphere, they will either be below the horizon or very low, making it a non-event for the UK.

Andromedids/ December phi Cassiopeiids

Active: 1-8 December

Peak: 5 December (speculated)

Rate/hour: Unknown

Radiant: Pegasus/Andromeda

Parent body: Disintegrated Comet 3D/Biela, aka Biela’s Comet

Moon illumination at peak:

Note: This is a ‘lost’ shower and very little is known about it.


Active: 4-20 December

Peak: 14-15 December

Rate/hour: 150

Radiant: Gemini

Parent body: 3200 Phaethon

Moon illumination at peak: 99-100 per cent (full Moon on 15 December)


Active: 17-26 December

Peak: 22-23 December

Rate/hour: 10

Radiant: Ursa Minor

Parent body: Comet 8P/Tuttle

Moon illumination at peak: 61-51 per cent

Read more:

  • Meteor, asteroid and comet: What’s the difference?
  • What does a comet smell like?
  • Interstellar Eye of Sauron: 10 of the best JWST pictures
Meteor shower calendar 2024: When to see a shooting star (2024)


Meteor shower calendar 2024: When to see a shooting star? ›

The Perseid meteor shower is one of the most prolific showers of the year, producing rich, bright streaks. The Perseids are active from mid-July until late August and will peak on the night of Aug. 12, before dawn on Aug. 13, 2024.

Is there a meteor shower tonight in 2024? ›

Early to mid-August meteors … the Perseids

Predicted peak: The peak is predicted** for August 12, 2024, at 14:00 UTC. So the mornings of August 11, 12 and 13 are probably your best bet.

Do you see shooting stars during a meteor shower? ›

Throughout the year, our night skies light up with celestial events, called meteor showers, where countless shooting stars streak across the sky. As you gaze up at the starry show, you might wonder, what are shooting stars and what causes these meteor showers to recur year after year.

What time is the Lyrid meteor shower in 2024? ›

The Lyrid meteor shower will peak on the evening of April 21st and the very early morning hours of April 22nd. Lyrids tend to be fast and relatively bright, with fairly good chances for bright fireballs.

What time will the meteor shower be most visible? ›

In nearly all showers, the radiant is highest just before dawn, but any time between midnight and dawn gives you a view of most meteors head-on for a more frequent display. Starting around midnight, your location on the globe spins around to the forward-facing half of Earth (in relation to the direction of the orbit).

What does a shooting star look like? ›

Shooting stars “shoot” quickly across the sky, usually with a trail of burning debris following them. They often burn up before reaching the ground, appearing like a line segment of light that does not go all the way across the sky. They only appear for a few seconds.

Where to look for a meteor shower? ›

Meteors can appear anywhere in the sky, and the more sky you see, the better your chance is to spot one. Each shower has a radiant, or a point in the sky where the meteors appear to originate. Knowing where the radiant is can be helpful, though the longer streaks will be visible farther away from the radiant.

How rare is it to see a shooting star? ›

If you've spent much time under the night sky, chances are good that you've seen one, too. Roughly a half-dozen can be seen every hour from a dark site anywhere on Earth, randomly appearing somewhere above your head and zipping across the sky. The longer you look up, the better the odds are of spotting one.

Does Celeste always mean shooting stars? ›

Meteor showers can occur on clear or partly cloudy nights after days with no precipitation, between 7 PM and 4 AM. Meteor showers always occur when Celeste visits, but the opposite is not true: it is possible for a meteor shower to occur without Celeste visiting.

How long do shooting stars last? ›

The general rule-of-thumb is that natural meteor reentries happen quickly and typically last less than a few seconds while human-made reentries happen slowly, and typically can last 20 – 90 seconds or more.

What is the best meteor shower in 2024? ›

Mid-July to mid-August 2024 meteors … the Perseids

So the mornings of August 11, 12 and 13 are probably your best bet. When to watch: The moon will be at 1st quarter and 50% illuminated during 2024's peak of the Perseid meteor shower. So the best time to watch for Perseids will be starting around midnight until dawn.

Which way do you look for Lyrid meteor shower? ›

That means you'll actually want to look to the regions of sky off to the side of Vega, about 40° to the north or south, to see meteors with the longest trails. Again, think of the radiant near Vega as where the Lyrids are hitting our atmosphere head-on.

Does the Lyrid meteor shower happen every year? ›

The April Lyrids are a meteor shower lasting from about April 15 to April 29 each year. The radiant of the meteor shower is located near the constellations Lyra and Hercules, near the bright star Vega. The peak of the shower is typically around April 22–23 each year.

In which two months are you most likely to see meteor showers? ›

Perseids. The Perseids are the most popular meteor shower as they peak on warm August nights as seen from the northern hemisphere. The Perseids are active from July 14 to September 1. They reach a strong maximum on August 12 or 13, depending on the year.

Is there a meteor shower in March 2024? ›

γ-Normid meteor shower 2024 - The γ-Normid meteor shower will be active from 25 February to 28 March, producing its peak rate of meteors around 14 March.

What part of the sky is best to see the meteor shower? ›

The best time to look for meteors is in the pre-dawn hours. The peak viewing days are typically your best shot to see the sky speckled with bright meteors. To see the meteors, look up and to the north. Those in southern latitudes can look toward the northeast to see more meteors.

Where will the Lyrid meteor shower be visible? ›

The clearest sighting for the Lyrids is in the Northern Hemisphere, but moonlight will interfere with viewing, according to the American Meteor Society. Under ideal conditions, "the meteors often appear very bright with bluish trails and often the trails seem to hang around for a few seconds in the sky," said Pollacco.

Where to look for the ETA Aquarid meteor shower? ›

You can see the Aquarids starting around 2AM local time in the Northern Hemisphere, radiating from the Aquarius constellation (though you'll want to look 40–60 degrees around Aquarius to see them).

Where can I see the Quadrantid meteor shower? ›

The Quadrantids are best viewed in the Northern Hemisphere (this shower can also be seen at latitudes north of 51 degrees south) during the night and predawn hours.

What days do meteor showers happen? ›

Meteor shower dates 2024
Shower NameDate of MaximumNormal Limits
Perseids12-13 August17 July-24 Aug
Draconids8-9 October6-10 October
Orionids21-22 October2 Oct-7 Nov
TauridsSouthern: 10-11 Oct Northern: 12-13 NovSouthern: 10 Sep-20 Nov Northern: 20 Oct-10 Dec
8 more rows


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