1. 17 Lye06 - Art New Zealand
I raise these points not to produce a flurry of breast-beating but to suggest that the case of this artist offers us an opportunity to examine our local culture ...
2. 1935 LEN LYE KALIDOSCOPE HD - Internet Archive
8 jul 2018 · 1935 LEN LYE KALIDOSCOPE HD ; Publication date: 1935 ; Topics: experimental, avant garde, animation, Len Lye ; Item Size: 164.7M ; Addeddate: 2018- ...
3. Len Lye's film-making: the hand-made and the digital
A detailed analysis of Len Lye's film 'Swinging the Lambeth Walk,' examining his methods of combining image with music.
4. Len Lye's work | Govett-Brewster Art Gallery
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New Zealand's most courageous contemporary art museum and home to the collection of modernist filmmaker and kinetic artist Len Lye.
5. Len Lye: From Jazz to "Sound Construction" - Academia.edu
Addresses the relationship between images and music in the pre-World War Two films of Len Lye. Places these films within the context of the 'visual music' ...
The sound dimension of Len Lye's films and sculptures - jazz, contemporary music, world music, and sound construction.
6. Len LYE - Light Cone
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(1901-1980) Nationality: New Zealander
7. Style Listings - Parkin Drawing Prize
... breast cancer. I had the urge to see images, but somehow the files on ... Len Lye and Leonardo Da Vinci - Red Line Motion The artist spends her time ...
Generic Page for previewing styles
8. Past Public Programs - Electronic Arts Intermix
... Len Lye, Takis, Jean Tinguely, and Group Zero. Wise's most influential ... Bra for Living Sculpture, the exhibition served to link the kinetic and art ...
9. Len Lye - Artforum
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Len Lye with his Fountain, 1959. © Len Lye Foundation Archive. IN 1935, the British General Post Office commissioned an advertisement from the New Zealand–born artist Len Lye, who was…